Workflow mapping allows you to configure the workflow according to your requirements based on Task Types. This feature is used to provide customize workflow processes for users as they process their work.
After the workflow for a specific Task Type is mapped, the next Status and the name of the staff to whom the Task should be assigned are shown on the Move Task page with the configured mapped workflow.
If you want to ignore the mapped workflow selection, choose another Status or User. However, this is not possible if the Status you select has been locked down by the firm’s administrator (who might want to limit interns from moving a Task to a specific Status). |
From the Utilities menu, select Setup Utilities > Manage Workflow Mapping.
To map a Task Type to a step in the workflow process:
1. In the Manage Workflow Mapping page, from the Category drop-down list choose the Category for which the workflow has to be mapped.
2. From the Task Type Pick List on the left, choose the Task Types to be included. Press the Ctrl and Shift keys together to choose more than one Task Type.
3. After the Task Type is selected, click > to move the selection to the Task Type Selection column on the right.
4. Select a Task Type in the Task Type Selection column to view the existing workflow associated to that Task Type, if any, under the Workflow Mapping section.
Manage Workflow Mapping-Form1040 Individual
5. From the From Status drop-down list, select No Info In. (The Workflow Mapping process usually starts with the Status No Info In.)
6. From the Next Status drop-down list, choose the appropriate Status.
7. From the Move Task to Whom drop-down list, choose the Staffing Assignment role to which the Task will be moved automatically based on Status selected in the Next Status drop-down. To move the Task to the Admin group, leave the Move Task to Whom box blank.
During the actual workflow process, when the Task is moved to this Status, the Move Task To Whom field on the Move Task page will display the name of the user who holds the Staffing Assignment role for that Task. |
8. You can move the order of workflow Statuses using the Up and Down buttons in the corresponding row.
9. To indicate that a step is mandatory and cannot be skipped, select the Lock Workflow check box. The workflow Status icon for this step will then appear locked.
10. Click Save/Update to include the step into the workflow.
Repeat the same procedure to complete the rest of the workflow steps.
A workflow does not have to be a linear set of steps. It can be a branching decision tree with multiple next Status selections for a current Status. This is achieved by not specifying a next Status for a step, or by simply not locking that entry (the Status selections themselves that appear as choices in the Move Task page are controlled by the Manage Task Type utility).
It is also possible to have multiple Statuses with the identical next Status configured in the next step in the workflow.
For example, you could configure the workflow to move from Closed First Review Points to To Be Assembled. When the user moves the Task out of the Closed First Review Points Status, XCM recommends that the Next Status to Follow would be To Be Assembled.
Workflow Status Mapping
You can then override the workflow mapped, to move the Status from Closed First Review Points to Secondary Review, thus choosing to move the Task to Secondary Review before moving the Task to To Be Assembled. After the Task is moved out of Secondary Review, XCM recommends that the Next Status be To Be Assembled, based on the workflow mapped.