This utility enables you to add and delete not only System Specific Deliverables but also XCM Standard Deliverables (Example: State returns for 1040, 1041, 1120, 1120s and 1065). To add a Deliverable, the Task must have the Status No Info In.
From the Utilities menu, select Task Utilities > Add/Delete Task Deliverables.
Bulk Add/Delete Task Deliverables
To add or delete a Task Deliverable:
1. Search for the Tasks to which you want to add or delete a Deliverable using the filters available.
2. From the search results, select a single Task or multiple Tasks to which you want to add or delete a Deliverable.
3. You can now do either of the following:
• From the Deliverable to be Added To Tasks in No Info In list box, select the Deliverable to be added to a single Task or multiple Tasks that are selected in the search results page.
• From the Delete a Deliverable from Tasks in No Info In list box, select the Deliverable to be deleted from a single Task or multiple Tasks that are selected in the search results page.
4. Click Apply to save the changes.